STR Global Reports Caribbean/Mexico Pipeline March 2010

The Caribbean/Mexico hotel development pipeline comprises 132 hotels totaling 17,290 rooms, according to the March 2010 STR/TWR/Dodge Construction Pipeline Report released this week.

Among the countries in the region, Mexico ended the month with the most rooms in the total active pipeline with 10,562 rooms. The country also reported the largest number of rooms in the In Construction phase (4,877 rooms). Two other countries reported more than 1,000 rooms in the total active pipeline: Dominican Republic (1,874 rooms) and Puerto Rico (1,409 rooms). The Dominican Republic ended the month with 1,437 rooms in the In Construction phase and Puerto Rico ended with 945 rooms.

Among the Chain Scale segment, the Midscale without Food and Beverage segment accounted for the largest portion of the total active pipeline (27.8 percent with 4,813 rooms). The Upscale segment (17.3 percent with 2,983 rooms) and the Upper Upscale segment (16.0 percent with 2,762 rooms) also accounted for significant portions of the total active pipeline. The Economy segment (4.0 percent with 696 rooms) and the Midscale with Food and Beverage segment (5.4 percent with 937 rooms) made up the smallest portions of the region’s total active pipeline.

Source: STR Global / Nevistas

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