Hotel Rates: A High Price to Pay for Little in the Way of Customer Service or a Fair Deal?, the free online hotel reservation service with over 210,000 hotels worldwide, has investigated just how satisfied the customers who have used it to book rooms have been with the service provided by the hotel.

On the basis of over one million hotel ratings, specifically analysed the value-for-money assessments submitted for 3 and 4 star hotels in order to calculate the guest satisfaction. Warini Munshi, Managing Director of Ltd explains, "In contrast to a ranking based purely on price, which a range of portals already offer, we have concentrated on analysing the qualitative aspects of the hotels. After all, hotel guests do not use price alone to rate establishments - they want a high level of quality too."

Here are the results of the analysis:

International: Lisbon in top position, followed by Tokyo. European cities dominate the rankings.

USA: Indianapolis is the leader closely followed by Phoenix,

Source: Hotel News Resource / Nevistas

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