Palm Springs Hotel Week: a Unique Opportunity to Help Drive Customers to Hotels

Following the steps of the successful Hotel Week held in San Diego, will showcase Palm Springs & the Desert Cities lodging properties to potential visitors nationwide by offering hot deals and sparking a reason to visit.

Hotel Week is a Win-Win concept for hotels and travelers and Hotel Weeks events are highly anticipated by:

• Hoteliers as they see an increase of rooms sold and also a chance to introduce their properties to new customers which they hope will return soon.

• And travelers always looking for a deal on a TOP destination.

The first Hotel Week was launched last November (13th-26th) in San Diego.

From Boutique to Elite Hotels, around 60 resorts in the San Diego area participated in this event and hundreds of rooms were booked.

As a results of this success,, the brainchild of Newmarketingonline Inc, an online marketing agency, is launching May 14th - May 28th.

The Palm Springs Hotel Week event will be held in May 2010. While geared towards the May need weeks/period, the site, its exposure and booking opportunities will be year round.

Participating hotels in will benefit of the following advantages:

1. Listing of your property: logo (125x125) & 100 words of
text/description on multiple pages (yearly agreement).

2. The ability to submit deals and promo at any time. Those deals
will be featured here:

3. All our marketing efforts, strategic partnerships and advertising power to promote your hotels nationwide including any newspapers, radio & TV promotion.

4. Be featured in the May 2010 Palm Springs Hotel Week event.

5. Showcase your property within a growing and successful concept which is drawing more and more interest from both public and media.

Omar Haddedou
Karine Gornes
[email protected]
760 275 7064

Source: Newmarketingonline / Nevistas

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