Tripware MoBook Travel App Offers Fastest and Simplest Mobile Booking of Flights, Cars, and Hotels for IPhone and IPad Users

Tripware, the behavior-based travel solution for business travelers, has released a mobile travel app that lets business travelers book flights, hotels, and cars faster and easier than any other travel app. The travel app, MoBook, benefits travelers because once their profile is completed all they need to do is enter a destination and touch “book” on their iPhone or iPad; there is no need to type in any personal information, surf the mobile web or use multiple travel apps.
Tripware MoBook, a travel app for iPhone and iPad users, offers business travelers full travel planning, booking, and managing of their business trips. All travel planning, booking, and organizing is done within the app - no need to search the mobile web or use multiple travel apps. By filling out their online

Source: Tripware / Nevistas

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